Saturday, November 1, 2008

treats n' eats and simple love

We had a great night last night at BridgePoint Church! We had an event at the church during Tarentum's trick or treat hours. We wanted to be part of the community during that time- with games, candy, a movie, free hot dogs, grilled cheese, chips, drinks,cotton candy, cookies and the BEST of all, the love of Christ.

We at BridgePoint Church want people to feel love, kindness and acceptance. People are soo hurting, sometimes suspicious of kindness, and sometimes don't quite know how to handle simple love. Jesus was just that- simple Love. Jesus always embraced the sinner -He simply loved them. Jesus loved because He knew that was what people needed- He knew they were soo hurting, sometimes suspicious of kindness and sometimes didn't quite know how to handle simple love.

So, take time today, tomorrow, the next few days and love someone - they need it even if they don't ask or know it!